Just last week I asked a client whether he takes time to stretch. His answer was "No, but my flexibility is important to me." He went through a few stretches to show me that he currently has good flexibility. I can see why it's important to him to keep it, but what struck me is the fact that his response is such a common one. We often have things that are important to us but that we don't prioritize. In the area of health and fitness, stretching and maintaining flexibility is just one of those things. As I did with him, I'm encouraging everyone to take time to stretch.
Stretching doesn't need to be a daunting, time-consuming task. It can be done between sets during a workout, or as a conclusion to your workout. One of the main things I recommend as a Corporate Wellness Consultant is to incorporate stretching into your daily activities. There are many stretches and exercises that can be done while working or standing at a desk. Get in touch if you need ideas on how to do this, and let's get started today with the goal of improving flexibility!
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