Fit Tip #71

Muscular Fitness Components - November 2019

Within the components of fitness is the multi-faceted component of muscular fitness. Muscular fitness has many aspects which include strength, endurance, power, hypertrophy a.k.a. size, and so on. This is why the general training rule for optimal fitness is to complete 3 sets of 8-15 repetitions using a moderate weight. All aspects of muscular fitness are improved with such a protocol. Still, it is possible to target them more specifically for better results in each area. For example, muscular endurance improves with higher repetitions of a light to moderate weight, while fewer repetitions of a moderately heavy weight are more ideal for developing strength. So we see once again that variety is a crucial aspect of any exercise program. By varying the repetitions, weights, and exercises in a workout routine we can achieve our greatest level of fitness.

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