Fit Tip #74

Train for Training - February 2020

Have you ever dreaded the start of a sport season because the first workouts left you aching for days? I have, and because I have, I've learned to "train for training" in order to enjoy the onset of the season.

What does it mean to "train for training"? In exercise terms, it's the idea of doing conditioning activities as a prep for an actual training season. Whether you participate in seasonal sports or use periodization in your bodybuilding program, both have definite time frames for their events. The technique I've developed in order to avoid the painful onset of the new activity, is to incorporate moves that prepare for the new season before the season even starts.

Here is a practical example: In the past, every time I'd start sprinting as part of my running plan, my quads would ache for days, and sometimes even for weeks. Now, leading up to the start of my sprinting season, I increase the time I spend on stretching and strengthening my quads. For example, I may do more high-knee walks and step-ups with knee lifts for the weeks before sprinting. Additionally, I change my quad stretching routine to target them more often and from additional angles. In so doing, I'm ready for the start of the new activity, and avoid the dreaded aches that used to go with it.

Try it before you start your next new season, and you'll be able to hit the ground with your feet running from the start!

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